Beauty and the Beast is a Romance movie released in 1991. It has a runtime of 84 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 8/10 and has received 7407 votes. Follow the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself in the castle of a prince who's been turned into a mysterious beast. With the help of the castle's enchanted staff, Belle soon learns the most important lesson of all -- that true beauty comes from within.. The film was produced on a budget of $25,000,000 and grossed $377,350,553 at the box office. Similar Romance movies includes Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Shrek, Aladdin, Shrek 2, .
Languages Available in: The download servers below has Beauty and the Beast subtitles in English Language.
No. Beauty and the Beast is not Available on Netflix
No. Beauty and the Beast is not Available on HBO NOW