Freaky Friday is a Comedy movie released in 2003. It has a runtime of 97 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 6/10 and has received 2737 votes. Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to do when she's older. In turn, Anna detests Tess's fiancé. When a magical fortune cookie switches their personalities, they each get a peek at how the other person feels, thinks and lives.. The film was produced on a budget of $26,000,000 and grossed $110,230,332 at the box office. Similar Comedy movies includes Mean Girls, Mamma Mia!, Enchanted, 13 Going on 30, The Princess Diaries, .
Languages Available in: The download servers below has Freaky Friday subtitles in English Language.
No. Freaky Friday is not Available on Netflix
No. Freaky Friday is not Available on HBO NOW