Gingerclown subtitle srt

Gingerclown (2013) English Subtitles

Category: Comedy

Rated 3 from 19 Ratings

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Storyline of Gingerclown (2013):

  • Category: Comedy Movie
  • Runtime: 83 Minutes
  • Family Friendly: No
  • Box Office Revenue: $0
  • Budget: $0

Gingerclown is a Comedy movie released in 2013. It has a runtime of 83 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 3/10 and has received 19 votes. 1983: A group of high school students are having a great time near Hollywood Hills at the weekend when they bump into the Loser from their school, Sam, who's just on his way home. Sam would do anything in order to get Jenny's attention, one of prettiest girls in school. Unfortunately she's also the girlfriend of the school's bully, Biff, the quarterback of the football team. Biff and his buddies are keen to take Sam to the old abandoned amusement park to make him prove his courage as part of their initiation ceremony. They involve Jenny in their cruel game as the grand prize of the competition. Sam accepts the challenge, but the girl wouldn't let him go in by himself; she follows him into the amusement park and a night they'll never forget.. The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Comedy movies includes Krampus: The Reckoning, Blood Shot, Les mémés cannibales, Stormhouse, SuicideGirls Must Die!, .

Languages Available in: The download servers below has Gingerclown subtitles in English Language.

How to use the Subtitle file

  1. Download the Gingerclown subtitle file by following the links above.
  2. Move the subtitle file into the same folder as your video file
  3. Rename the subtitle file with exactly the same name as your Video file, so you have two files named like this and gingerclown.mp4.
  4. Play your video file. You should now see subtitles appear over your movie. If you don't, double check the .srt file is correctly named like your video, then close and restart the media player.

Frequently asked questions

Is Gingerclown (2013) on Netflix?

No. Gingerclown is not Available on Netflix

Is Gingerclown (2013) on HBO NOW?

No. Gingerclown is not Available on HBO NOW

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