Fatherland subtitle srt

Fatherland (1986) English Subtitles

Category: Drama

Rated 6 from 10 Ratings

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Storyline of Fatherland (1986):

  • Category: Drama Movie
  • Runtime: 111 Minutes
  • Family Friendly: No
  • Box Office Revenue: $0
  • Budget: $0

Fatherland is a Drama movie released in 1986. It has a runtime of 111 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 6/10 and has received 10 votes. Persona Non Grata in his homeland, protest singer Klaus Drittemann must leave East Berlin, his wife and child and emigrate to West Berlin, where the representatives of an American record company are eagerly waiting for him. They plan to exploit his defection from communism both ideologically and financially. But Klaus, as ill-at-ease in the West as he was in the East, is reluctant to be used as an expendable commodity. Leaving his contract unsigned (or signed in his manner), he leaves for Cambridge to meet his father, a concert player, who -just like him - left East Berlin thirty years ago as Klaus was a little boy. He is accompanied by a young French journalist, Emma, who knows where his father has been living since he disappeared for more than a decade. The young lady is cooperative but might hide things from him.... The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Drama movies includes Zodiac, Atomic Blonde, Das Leben der Anderen, Sleepless in Seattle, The Life of David Gale, .

Languages Available in: The download servers below has Fatherland subtitles in English Language.

How to use the fatherland.srt Subtitle file

  1. Download the Fatherland subtitle file by following the links above.
  2. Move the fatherland.srt subtitle file into the same folder as your video file
  3. Rename the subtitle file with exactly the same name as your Video file, so you have two files named like this fatherland.srt and fatherland.mp4.
  4. Play your video file. You should now see subtitles appear over your movie. If you don't, double check the .srt file is correctly named like your video, then close and restart the media player.

Frequently asked questions

Is Fatherland (1986) on Netflix?

No. Fatherland is not Available on Netflix

Is Fatherland (1986) on HBO NOW?

No. Fatherland is not Available on HBO NOW

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