Little Witches subtitle srt

Little Witches (1996) English Subtitles

Category: Drama

Rated 4 from 20 Ratings

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Storyline of Little Witches (1996):

  • Category: Drama Movie
  • Runtime: 90 Minutes
  • Family Friendly: No
  • Box Office Revenue: $0
  • Budget: $0

Little Witches is a Drama movie released in 1996. It has a runtime of 90 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 4/10 and has received 20 votes. Six misfit schoolgirls at an all-girl Catholic high school, left alone at the school for Easter week, get mixed up with the occult and witchcraft after an old Satanic temple is found underneath the church where they attend as well as an old book of black magic spells for conjuring up an ancient demon from the pits of Hell. Janie, the most characteristic and cruelest of the girls, takes charge of the group and plots to resurrect the demon using a series of black arts spells, while one innocent girl, Faith, has a change of heart and tries to stop them from completing their spell which also includes a human sacrifice.. The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Drama movies includes The Blind Side, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Orphan, Into the Woods, Stardust, .

Languages Available in: The download servers below has Little Witches subtitles in English Language.

How to use the Subtitle file

  1. Download the Little Witches subtitle file by following the links above.
  2. Move the subtitle file into the same folder as your video file
  3. Rename the subtitle file with exactly the same name as your Video file, so you have two files named like this and little_witches.mp4.
  4. Play your video file. You should now see subtitles appear over your movie. If you don't, double check the .srt file is correctly named like your video, then close and restart the media player.

Frequently asked questions

Is Little Witches (1996) on Netflix?

No. Little Witches is not Available on Netflix

Is Little Witches (1996) on HBO NOW?

No. Little Witches is not Available on HBO NOW

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