Les âmes fortes subtitle srt

Les âmes fortes (2001) English Subtitles

Category: Drama

Rated 4 from 6 Ratings

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Storyline of Les âmes fortes (2001):

  • Category: Drama Movie
  • Runtime: 120 Minutes
  • Family Friendly: No
  • Box Office Revenue: $0
  • Budget: $0

Les âmes fortes is a Drama movie released in 2001. It has a runtime of 120 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 4/10 and has received 6 votes. At a wake one night in 1945, a group of aged women recall the life of one of their number. Sixty years before, Thérèse was barely 20 years old when she eloped with her boyfriend, Firmin, a blacksmith, to Châtillon, a town in Provence. Here, she makes the acquaintance of the wealthy Madame Numance, who is known for her good deeds. Realising that Thérèse is pregnant and unemployed, Madame Numance insists that she moves into a house on her estate. Whilst Firmin resents the arrangement, Thérèse soon finds that she can exploit the situation, using her benefactor's naivety and generosity for her own gain... The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Drama movies includes El asaltante, Calle Santa Fe, Alice et moi, Sin Dios ni Santa María, Dos Crímenes, .

Languages Available in: The download servers below has Les âmes fortes subtitles in English Language.

How to use the les_âmes_fortes.srt Subtitle file

  1. Download the Les âmes fortes subtitle file by following the links above.
  2. Move the les_âmes_fortes.srt subtitle file into the same folder as your video file
  3. Rename the subtitle file with exactly the same name as your Video file, so you have two files named like this les_âmes_fortes.srt and les_âmes_fortes.mp4.
  4. Play your video file. You should now see subtitles appear over your movie. If you don't, double check the .srt file is correctly named like your video, then close and restart the media player.

Frequently asked questions

Is Les âmes fortes (2001) on Netflix?

No. Les âmes fortes is not Available on Netflix

Is Les âmes fortes (2001) on HBO NOW?

No. Les âmes fortes is not Available on HBO NOW

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