卒業 subtitle srt

卒業 (2002) English Subtitles

Category: Action

Rated 6 from 5 Ratings

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Storyline of 卒業 (2002):

  • Category: Action Movie
  • Runtime: 113 Minutes
  • Family Friendly: No
  • Box Office Revenue: $0
  • Budget: $0

卒業 is a Action movie released in 2002. It has a runtime of 113 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 6/10 and has received 5 votes. Asami, a junior-college student two months from graduation, lends a red umbrella one day to Mayama, a Psychology instructor. Her artlessly forward approach leaves Mayama embarrassed and confused. She has, in fact, been watching him for some time. Meanwhile Mayama’s girlfriend Izumi, unable to find her own place in his heart, has resolved to leave him. Seeing Mayama in torment, tied to his past, Asami decides to set his heart free. Set in present-day Tokyo, this story of the wandering and revival of souls beset by feelings of loss is brought quietly and gently to the screen by the outstanding talent of Nagasawa Masahiko.. The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Action movies includes 遙かなる山の呼び声, いちばん美しい夏, 無頼漢, 阿弥陀堂だより, 秘録怪猫伝, .

Languages Available in: The download servers below has 卒業 subtitles in English Language.

How to use the 卒業.srt Subtitle file

  1. Download the 卒業 subtitle file by following the links above.
  2. Move the 卒業.srt subtitle file into the same folder as your video file
  3. Rename the subtitle file with exactly the same name as your Video file, so you have two files named like this 卒業.srt and 卒業.mp4.
  4. Play your video file. You should now see subtitles appear over your movie. If you don't, double check the .srt file is correctly named like your video, then close and restart the media player.

Frequently asked questions

Is 卒業 (2002) on Netflix?

No. 卒業 is not Available on Netflix

Is 卒業 (2002) on HBO NOW?

No. 卒業 is not Available on HBO NOW

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