Challengers is a Drama movie released in 2024. It has a runtime of 132 minutes and is not family-friendly. The movie was released in multiple languages, including English. It has a rating of 9/10 and has received 4 votes. Tennis player turned coach Tashi has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him into a world-famous Grand Slam champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she signs him up for a "Challenger" event — close to the lowest level of pro tournament — where he finds himself standing across the net from his former best friend and Tashi's former boyfriend.. The film was produced on a budget of $0 and grossed $0 at the box office. Similar Drama movies includes The Prestige, Rocky, Grease, Interview with the Vampire, Rocky IV, .
Languages Available in: The download servers below has Challengers subtitles in English Language.
No. Challengers is not Available on Netflix
No. Challengers is not Available on HBO NOW