ドラゴンボール is a Scripted Animation TV show written by Akira Toriyama. The series (Ended) has run for 1 season and consists of 153 episodes, with each lasting 25 minutes. The last season was aired in -0001. Long ago in the mountains, a fighting master known as Gohan discovered a strange boy whom he named Goku. Gohan raised him and trained Goku in martial arts until he died. The young and very strong boy was on his own, but easily managed. Then one day, Goku met a teenage girl named Bulma, whose search for the mystical Dragon Balls brought her to Goku's home. Together, they set off to find all seven and to grant her wish.. ドラゴンボール has received a rating of 8/10 with a vote count of 1,759. Fans of Animation TV shows might also enjoy similar series such as ドラゴンボールゼット, ドラゴンボール超(スーパー), DEATH NOTE, Futurama, ワンパンマン, .
No. ドラゴンボール is not available on Netflix
No. ドラゴンボール is not available on HBO NOW