边水往事 is a Scripted Drama TV show written by Passsee Mu. The series (Returning Series) has run for 1 season and consists of 21 episodes, with each lasting 30 minutes. The last season was aired in 2024. Trilateral Slopes, a tropical exotic melting pot teeming with all kinds of people, a place where prosperity and decay coexist. Shen Xing, a laborer who unexpectedly ends up here, crosses paths with Mr. Cai, a local wheeler-dealer navigating through the various forces at play. Together, they embark on an adventure, guided by a glimmer of kindness, as they face the struggle between staying and escaping. How will their story unfold in the midst of the disarray?. 边水往事 has received a rating of 10/10 with a vote count of 2. Fans of Drama TV shows might also enjoy similar series such as ホワッツ マイケル?, 天体戦士サンレッド, Ripcord, 亲爱的天狐大人, Q10(キュート), .
No. 边水往事 is not available on Netflix
No. 边水往事 is not available on HBO NOW