Foyle's War Series 1 is a Drama series released in 2002. . The series has 9 seasons with each episode lasting 120 minutes. It has a rating of 8/10 with 54 votes. Fans of Drama TV shows such as Midsomer Murders, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Nash Bridges, Lewis, will enjoy Series 1 of Foyle's War.
Episodes | Description |
S1 Episode1 Foyle's War S1 E1 is called The German Woman and was aired in October 2002. It was written by Unknown and directed by Jeremy Silberston. The German wife of a rich and influential aristocrat exempted from wartime internment is found decapitated in the midst of anti-German feeling.. Foyle's War (S1 E1) has a rating of 7.6/10 and has received 5 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
S1 Episode2 Foyle's War S1 E2 is called The White Feather and was aired in October 2002. It was written by Unknown and directed by Jeremy Silberston. With the English army trapped in France and a German invasion imminent, a Nazi sympathizer is murdered during a pro-Facist meeting at a country hotel.. Foyle's War (S1 E2) has a rating of 7.6/10 and has received 7 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
S1 Episode3 Foyle's War S1 E3 is called A Lesson in Murder and was aired in October 2002. It was written by Unknown and directed by David Thacker. Foyle investigates the suicide of a pacifist and death threats to the judge who ruled against his conscientious objector status.. Foyle's War (S1 E3) has a rating of 7.9/10 and has received 7 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
S1 Episode4 Foyle's War S1 E4 is called Eagle Day and was aired in October 2002. It was written by Unknown and directed by Jeremy Silberston. Foyle investigates a man found with a knife in his stomach in a bombed out building while son Andrew gets involved in a top secret radar program.. Foyle's War (S1 E4) has a rating of 7.3/10 and has received 7 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
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No. Foyle's War Season 1 is not available on Netflix
No. Foyle's War Season 1 is not available on HBO NOW