Foyle's War Series 9 is a Drama series released in 2015. The acclaimed detective series returns with more mysteries set in the uncertain days at the beginning of the Cold War. In 1946 London, former DCS Christopher Foyle now employs his unerring investigative skills on behalf of MI5, assisted by his ever-faithful driver, Sam Wainwright.. The series has 9 seasons with each episode lasting 120 minutes. It has a rating of 8/10 with 54 votes. Fans of Drama TV shows such as Midsomer Murders, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Nash Bridges, Lewis, will enjoy Series 9 of Foyle's War.
Episodes | Description |
S9 Episode1 Foyle's War S9 E1 is called High Castle and was aired in January 2015. It was written by Unknown and directed by Unknown. Foyle, now working for British Intelligence, is drawn into the world of corrupt Nazi businessmen when a London university professor is found murdered.. Foyle's War (S9 E1) has a rating of 6.5/10 and has received 2 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
S9 Episode2 Foyle's War S9 E2 is called Trespass and was aired in January 2015. It was written by Unknown and directed by Unknown. Tasked with ensuring security at a high level Palestinian conference, with signs that a plot to bomb the conference maybe under way, Foyle faces a race against time to uncover not only the truth, but where the truth lies.. Foyle's War (S9 E2) has a rating of 7.3/10 and has received 3 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
S9 Episode3 Foyle's War S9 E3 is called Elise and was aired in January 2015. It was written by Unknown and directed by Unknown. When his colleague Hilda Pierce is nearly killed in an attempted assassination, Foyle must re-examine her top secret role during the war to find out if there was a traitor at the heart of the Special Operations Executive.. Foyle's War (S9 E3) has a rating of 7/10 and has received 2 votes. download subtitles below Download Subtitles |
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No. Foyle's War Season 9 is not available on Netflix
No. Foyle's War Season 9 is not available on HBO NOW