Loki is a Miniseries Drama TV show written by Michael Waldron. The series (Ended) has run for 2 season and consists of 12 episodes, with each lasting 52 minutes. The last season was aired in 2023. After stealing the Tesseract during the events of “Avengers: Endgame,” an alternate version of Loki is brought to the mysterious Time Variance Authority, a bureaucratic organization that exists outside of time and space and monitors the timeline. They give Loki a choice: face being erased from existence due to being a “time variant” or help fix the timeline and stop a greater threat.. Loki has received a rating of 8/10 with a vote count of 11,188. Fans of Drama TV shows might also enjoy similar series such as The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Arrow, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Titans, .
No. Loki is not available on Netflix
No. Loki is not available on HBO NOW